Hipertension arterial secundaria pdf 2013

Fuente msp y bs 140000 120000 00 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 1998 2008 2011 c a n t i d a d d e p e r s o n a s. Tension arterial ta presion del flujo sanguineo sobre las arterias. Traditionally, hypertension has been classified into primary or essential, which represents over 90% of adults with hypertension. Guia clinica 2010 hipertension arterial primaria o esencial en. Hipertension arterial primaria hipertension arterial. Arterial hypertension is defined as systolic blood pressure sbp 140 mmhg andor diastolic blood pressure dbp 90 mmhg. The task for the management of arterial hypertension of the european society of hypertension esh and of the european society of cardiology esc.

A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Prediction of coronary heart disease using risk factor categories. Hipertension secundaria sintomas y causas mayo clinic. The task force for the management of arterial hypertension of the european society of hypertension esh and of the european society of cardiology esc. Veamos a continuacion cuales son las diferencias entre ambas. Mancia g, fagard r, narkiewicz k, redon j, zanchetti a, bohm m, et al. Hipertension arterial secundaria articulos intramed. Septiembre 20 vol 2, num 7 med gen y fam digital 20. Somers vk, white dp, amin r, abraham wt, costa f, culebras a, et al. Este trastorno puede ser clasificado en dos tipos segun sea su origen. Members af, mancia g, fagard r, narkiewicz k, redon j, zanchetti a, et al. Hipertension arterial secundaria nefrologia al dia.